Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Harv o137.5
prov o141.5
wisky u137.5
mich u136
uconn u148
San Diego u137

all moved an asston, harv was slimest value, uconn and wisky are 5-6 off IMO


  1. Illinois over down to 143. What do you do in these situations?

  2. Accept defeat usually. My smaller money isn't brighter than their giganto money.

  3. What does (always - usually) equal in this instance?

  4. I go back and sanity check how I could be off by 6 points. Like if I need to assume some hilariously bizarre tempos for these two teams. If I can't rationalize it, I might double up. I can understand why Illinois closed at 143, that was essentially a tempo mean reversion bet (both teams very high so far), but my data suggested it was unlikely to go regress much while still out of conference play.
